Sparth Tutorials: How to paint step by step using photoshop.

Sparth Tutorials: How to paint and draw step by step using photoshop.

Here is one of my most favorite artists of all time, Sparth. His real name is Nicolas Bouvier, last I know he worked for Ubi Soft in Canada concepting for "Prince of Persia" series. Now I believe he is at ID Software working on some new projects and maybe Quake 4? I can't wait the see when it comes out.

He is quite a phenomenon, if you are interested in how to draw cool environment, how to design spaceship, mech, hi-tech concept, and how to paint in photoshop. His tutorials are one of the best ones out there.

Anyway, most artist in the game industry or relate know him, but for those of you who comes to my site from somewhere else definitely should visit his site and look at his tutorials. It's like another level of art.
I remember when I first start out in the game industry. I tried to learn how to draw better and try to paint digitally. I always look at his tutorial and try to study them over and over. Thanks Sparth!

Here is a link
Sparth Tutorials

You can also visit his site at

Also today I found a cool free tutorial ("Gothic Beauty" by Jason Chan) on
He is one of the young fellas whose art I really dig! He is a rising star in the entertainment/video game industry. This step by step tutorial show you how to paint digitally in Photoshop is in depth. Awesome tutorial to study.

Download Jason Chan's Tutorial from imagineFX
-"Gothic Beauty"

Also visit his site:

Well have fun with these gems, I learn a lot. Hope you all do the same.


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