Online Comics: "DOGs of WAR": Chapter 1 (post no. 007)

DOGs of WAR: Chapter 1 (post no. 007)

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"Quick Sand" is always the first to engage in battle because the men are quick, fierce, and deadly. Their reputation as one of the most feared enemies, even among the Mongol hordes, is undisputed - crossing their path is deadly.

It is said that when they roam the steppes, the sky turns dark and the river turns red. If you see them coming, run! These fierce fighters are always ready to face their death and know no fear. To die in battle fighting for the greater good is the ultimate honor among these warriors.

Captain Huang Zhi's battalion is comprised of five hundred souls from different background but with one goal: Victory. It's the only thing that they care about and they will do whatever it takes to achieve it.

The Bulgarian reinforcement is approaching Samara Bend and Huang Zhi and his men must crush them before they reach it.

But five hundred against three thousand? Huang Zhi will have to call for the two backup hordes stationed nearby. Even then, they will only number close to fifteen hundred. They are still outnumbered by more than double.

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Art & Story: Xia Taptara
Creative Editing: Skylark

*Genghis Khan organized the Mongol soldiers into groups based around the number ten, each group of soldiers had a leader who would report higher up in his rank, up to the rank of tumen (command 10,000). This command structure proved to be highly flexible and allowed the Mongol army to attack en masse, divide into somewhat smaller groups to encircle and lead enemies into an ambush, or divide into small groups of 10 to mop up a fleeing and broken army. The Mongol army also was highly flexible due to the durability of its soldiers. Each Mongol soldier would have between 2 and 4 horses, allowing them to gallop for days without stopping or tiring. The Mongol soldier also could live for days off only his horse's blood and eating horse meat if times were hard.

**To the Mongols, victory seemed to matter most, and they couldn't afford to lose battles nor men because they were poor in logistics and had few spare troops (at best half as many soldiers in almost all major battles than their enemies, and travelling far away from their homeland). The main weapon of the Mongol soldiers was the Hun bow and curved sword, lighter and more efficient for slashing and parrying than the European long sword.

Creator's Note:
Hello fellas, I've been really busy with the Online comics: "DOGs of WAR" so I have not get much time to draw girls or making any how to art tutorial. I am thinking about making a how to draw tutorial using pencil and such, but that will take a lot of preparation with camera setting and everything. So I guess I will just stick with making Photo Shop Tutorials or quick video tutorials for a while until I get some funding.
Another thing I have in mind is that, I am going to have to upload this whole blog into a real server ( domain, which I will have to purchase it from Godaddy, as more contents and visitors arrived so I have more bandwidth.
I don't really know how much Bandwidth can Blogger hold. If anyone does, feel free to leave a comment.
I've been working on Mudbox all day, it fun and cool though I really miss Photoshop.

Anyway, thanks for visiting idrawgirls. We have now a steady stream of visitors everyday since we launch about a month and a half ago. Hopefully you guys like the site and come back for more and help us spread the words.
Feedback and comment are always welcome, especially if you help me correct my grammatical error and rephrase some of the dialogs into a proper dialogs.



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